“As a startup, it’s critical to pick partners with a personal touch to help make your mark. We chose Pereg as a specialized fund with domain and networking expertise to increase our chances of success.”

Zach Simmons Discuss IO
Zach SimmonsDISCUSS IO

“Pereg brought their wealth of connections and insights, without imposing their opinions. It’s a real art to strike that balance.”

CB4 team
Yoni BenshaulCB4

“Pereg’s unique experience in driving commercial success through data is invaluable! Their vast network of connections helped get our business off the ground, and they led our Round A financing.”

Nutrino Yaron Yael Jonathan
Yael GlassmanNUTRINO

“Pereg invested in us when we were still at an early stage. They were 100% committed to our vision from the beginning. Thanks to their extensive networking, we closed a significant deal with a key strategic player.”

yonatan sneider
Jonathan SeidnerCROSSWISE

“Pereg’s domain expertise and connections to prospectus companies helped us broaden our perspective on the market, build a bigger plan, and collaborate with Staq, a portfolio company”.

Naras Quaero
Naras EechambadiQUAERO

“Pereg has been very proactive at every critical junction, with business development insights that turned our challenges into opportunities.”

daniel Ourcart
Daniel RejznerOURCART

“Pereg exceeded our expectations as a VC. Their involvement and willingness to understand the company helped us make significant decisions and brought relevant leads.”

Channeleyes Dave

“Even before they invested in us, Pereg got actively involved with our product strategy. We eventually closed a deal with one of their portfolio companies, Discuss IO.”

Shanna JohnsonCIELO24

“We appreciate Pereg’s refreshing directness and consistency in communication. They are very active at making connections and bringing a high level of integrity, professionalism, and positivity.”

Andy Ellenthal Staq
Andy EllenthalSTAQ

“The advisor relationship with Pereg was essential when it came to M&A decisions. They have vast experience, are always available, and are focused on helping.”

alexi agratchev retailnext
Alexei AgratchevRETAIL-NEXT